Tag Archives: Sarah Hopfinger

Seeing and responding to work

Written by Nic Green (performance maker, Fatherland/Motherland)

Sadly I am away in London working on Fatherland from the 18th until the end of March, so I am going to miss much of Behavior, which I am sad about! I am back for Ann Liv’s work, but then have quite a few evening rehearsals with the singing women of Motherland, so I will just have to see as much as I possibly can on my evenings off!

Despite my sporadic attendance, I still feel like it would be good to respond to the festival in someway, even if from afar.

These are some ways which I thought I could do this:

-Based on my imaginings of works inspired by the the copy/image of each piece I miss, make a drawing or performance video and post it on this blog.

-Create a way in which others can describe or reperform the pieces to me and response to these

-Give friends who can attend a throw away camera and ask them to subtly take one photograph during each performance I am absent from. Then I can do a sort of analysis on each one. It has been a long time since I officially did an ‘Image analysis.’

-Write a letter to each artist performing, whose work I will miss, asking them to draw and post their performance back to me and respond to these.

-Have a phone performance with each person whose work I miss (like phone sex, but performance. On the phone.) and record/respond to this.

-A mixture of all of the above depending on possibility/time/other artist etc..

I suppose time and energy will determine what will become of these ideas.

In terms of my own prep for Behavior, I tried to post a little video of Sarah Hopfinger, Daniel Padden and myself playing about last week within the context of Motherland, however I am too much of a techno philistine to make this appear here so I will have to ask Rosie at the Arches to help me! If a strange little video appears, that’s what it is anyway.

bestest from the blogosphere and also in real life,

nic x

UPDATE: That strange little video… RosieArches x

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